Afghanistan Withdrawal Complete, Biden Still on Defense While Americans Stranded

Even after the withdrawal from Afghanistan is complete, Biden is playing defense. Unfortunately, so are the 100 or so Americans stranded and abandoned by their own country.


On the day of the Biden administration’s self-imposed, Taliban-demanded withdrawal deadline, President Biden spoke to the nation, calling the emergency evacuation airlift an “extraordinary success”, despite leaving Americans behind.


reporting from the left side of the aisle




Author’s Take

It’s not that the United States finally withdrew from Afghanistan, it’s that it was so badly mismanaged, the possible fall of the Afghan government completely missed by so-called experts, and the obstinacy President Biden has repeatedly displayed in public that is so infuriating to the American people.

Biden spent two weeks pretending to take responsibility then blaming everyone else. He tut-tutted the American people and lectured us. Offensive does not even begin to describe it.

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© Dallas Gerber, 2021